Encourage to explore; stimulate interests and imagination
Develop abilities to communicate feelings and ideas in multiple ways
Develop abilitieExtend the children's abilities to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways.s to communicate feelings and ideas in multiple ways
School Discipline
Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the school timings and not to take their children home during class hours.
Leave of absence must be given in advance and in writing to the Headmistress.
The children should be sent to the school every day tidily dressed in their uniforms, badges with full address and phone number.
Books, Tiffin box, Water bottle and other personal belongings should have the name, class & division of the child.
For your children's safety no vehicles are allowed inside the school campus.
The school authorities are not responsible for childrenafter school hours. Kindly pick them up on time.
The calendar should be brought to school daily.
Parents are earnestly requested to see that their children attend school punctually.
Late comers must report to the teacher incharge and getclearance. Habitual late comers will be sent home.
Pupils who have been absent from school must have the reason entered in the leave record page of the calendar.
No pupil will leave the school premises without thepermission of the Headmistress.
Pupils are expected to come to school with all the required materials for their study. No borrowing or lending is allowed.
As the medium of instruction is English, students are encouraged to speak in English on the school premises.
Parents and students should not offer any presents toteachers without the permission of the Headmistress.
Students must not wear any ornaments, they are not allowed to use nail polish and make up or to grow nails. Girls hair should be in two plaits (Long hair). Boys hair should be neatly trimmed.
Students to be particular i wearing school uniforms, whenthey come to school.
Irregular attendance, habitual inattentiveness to schoolwork & misbehaviour are points to be care of.
Parent/Guardians are requested to check the School Diary of their ward daily and see that lessons and home work assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should be signed regularly. Students shouldbe encouraged to be neat and tidy.
Parents/Guardians should not visit the classrooms during class hours except with the permission of the Principal.
Avoid criticism of teachers and the school, particularly inthe presence of students. It could lead to lack of respect for the teacher and the students may even fail to respect their own parents.
Taking your child/ward from classes for social functions isnot recommended; because it retards the childs progressin school.
No student will be sent home in the absence of a leave note from the parents/guardians in the calendar or an authorization note in case of emergency.